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📄 Find Most Frequent Char

Question Description

建立一個 function,接收一個字串,並回傳該字串中出現次數最多的字元。

1. JavaScript Version

function findMostFrequentChar(str) {
// init object to store char and count
const charCount = {};

// init record of max count and char variable
let maxCount = 0;
let maxChar = '';

// loop through string
for (let char of str) {
// if char is not in object, set count to 0
if (!charCount[char]) {
charCount[char] = 0;

// increment this char count + 1

// if this char count is greater than max count
// update max count and max char
if (charCount[char] > maxCount) {
maxCount = charCount[char];
maxChar = char;

// return max char
return maxChar;

console.log(findMostFrequentChar('abcccccccd')); // c